About Us
Cheval Canadien Horse Association Ontario
The Cheval Canadien Horse Association Ontario (CCHAO) is Ontario’s registered association for the promotion and preservation this amazing breed. Our members share common interests and goals and together we work towards ensuring that one of Canada’s little-known treasures is never lost or forgotten.
Founded on the principles of integrity, trust and collaboration, and dedicated to educating the public about the Canadian Horse, our members share a passion for the promotion of the breed. Above all, the wellbeing of our horses and our members’ enjoyment are most important to us.
We welcome all Canadian Horse owners, breeders and enthusiasts to participate in the CCHAO. Your involvement in the CCHAO can be as much or as little as you wish. No matter how involved you want to be, one thing is for sure, you will have fun and make new friends!
Founded in 2018, we are an incorporated not-for-profit association and a member of the Canadian Horse Breeders Association (CHBA).

Our founding meeting, May 2018
Board of Directors
Rhonda Turley
Email: neirinscooter@gmail.com
Millar Nicol
Vice President
Email: millarnicol@rocketmail.com
Gail Cuthbert Brandt
Email: gcbrandt@sympatico.ca
Sandra Addison
Email: CCHAOtreas@gmail.com
Samantha Rentner
Western Ontario Representative
Email: smile@snowyriverimages.com
Sandy Churchill
Eastern Ontario Representative
Email: js4churchill@gmail.com
Laura Hoy
Director at Large
Email: edgewoodcanadians@gmail.com
For updates to this website:
Rob Knowles
Location: Millbrook, Ontario
Email: robertknowles1@outlook.com
Meet (some of) the Members
Amber Hillis
Location: St. Mary’s, Ontario
Email: hillisville@gmail.com
Andrea & Karli White
Location: Colwater, Ontario
Email: awhite66@gmail.com
Andy Thompson and Grace Bradish
Location: Mt. Brydges, Ontario
Email: bradishg@gmail.com
Anne-Marie Rocher
Location: Blue Mountain, Ontario
Email: arocher@sympatico.ca
Barb Malcolm
Location: Stouffville, Ontario
Email: churchillchimes@gmailcom
Bianka St. Denis
Location: Limoges, Ontario
Email: biankastd@hotmail.com
David Leitch
Location: Blue Mountain, Ontario
Email: dgl@dgleitch.ca
Don Cook
Location: Brockville, Ontario
Email: doncook99@hotmail.com
Gail Cuthbert Brandt
Location: Bright, Ontario
Email: gcbrandt@sympatico.ca
Heather and Millar Nicole
Location: Melbourne, Ontario
Email: hdnicole99@gmail.com
Jack Addison
Location: Vittoria, Ontario
Email: jwaddison54@gmail.com
Jane Hunt
Location: Richmond, Ontario
Email: jane.hunt@stratvillesolns.com
John and Sandy Churchill
Location: Blackstock, Ontario
Email: js4churchill@gmail.com
Kelly O’Neil
Location: Ontario
Email: riverfarmkel@gmail.com
Kenneth and Kathleen Lambert
Location: Gores Landing, Ontario
Email: kwdl60@gmail.com
Laura Hoy
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Email: edgewoodcanadians@gmail.com
Laura Snider
Location: Meaford, Ontario
Email: laurasnider58@gmail.com
Lise LeBlanc
Location: Wilsonville, Ontario
Email: llbigfilly3@gmail.com
Liz Dunlop
Location: Scugog, Ontario
Email: lizzyfw05@gmail.com
Marie-Lynn Hammond
Location: Cobourg, Ontario
Email: mlh@marielynnhammond.com
Mark Trachy
Location: Ilderton, Ontario
Email: mtrachy@hotmail.com
Rhonda Turley
Location: Brampton, Ontario
Email: neirinscooter@gmail.com
Robert Alexander
Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
Email: horses@execulink.com
Rob Knowles
Location: Millbrook, Ontario
Email: robertknowles1@outlook.com
Ron Marino
Location: Tottenham, Ontario
Email: marinoathome@hotmail.com
Saira Knowles
Location: Millbrook, Ontario
Email: sairaknowles@outlook.com
Samantha Rentner
Location: Coldwater, Ontario
Email: smile@snowyriverimages.com
Sandra Addison
Location: Vittoria, Ontario
Email: CCHAOtreas@gmail.com
Sandra Allen
Location: Petawawa, Ontario
Email: s-allen@mail.com
Shelagh Morrison
Location: Ailsa Craig, Ontario
Email: shelagh_morrison@yahoo.ca
Sheri and Kelsey Roberts
Location: Belleville
Email: sheri.gary.roberts@gmail.com
Susan Mclenaghan
Location: McDonalds Corners, Ontario
Email: slm@storm.ca
Thomas Locke
Location: London, Ontario
Email: vaqueroontario@gmail.com
Tina McNaughton & Cam Baker
Location: Alberton, Ontario
Email: canadian@rogers.com
Tori van Lenthe
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Email: info@horsebackadventures.ca
Veronica Jackson
Location: Ingersol, Ontario
Email: vjacksoningersoll@gmail.com
Verna Cuthbert
Location: Stratford, Ontario
Email: cuthbertv@aol.com
Victoria Adams
Location: Elmvale, Ontario
Email: new-dawn-horizons@hotmail.com
Wendy Bowden
Location: Newmarket, Ontario
Email: wbowden@rogers.com